Lu Shaoqin's Project Portfolio Page
Project: TAManager
TAManager is a desktop address book application made for professors to manage their teaching assistants (TA) under their charge. It provides fast access to TAs’ contact details and their availabilities for tutorials/labs. You can track teaching and claimable hours among your TAs and find relief TAs for impromptu events or unforeseen circumstances.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- New Feature: Added the ability to assign a course to a TA.
- What it does: Allows the user to assign a course to a TA.
- Justification: A professor may have multiple courses that he is teaching. Hence, it is important to keep track of which TA is assigned to which course.
- Highlights: This required me to tweak the UI slightly to represent the course, and write extensive testcases to ensure the correct behavior.
- New Feature: Refactored Course to include name and lesson data.
- What it does: Allows the app to store the course information of a specific course.
- Justification: This lays the foundation for the course command, and possible future commands.
- Highlights: The course was initially implemented to extend from Tag, but as expectations evolved for courses to include information such as lesson slots, I had to refactor the code to make it more extensible.
Code contributed: RepoSense link
- Project management:
- Set up team repo, RepoSense, and all releases.
- Led the delegation of bug fixes based on PE-D issues.
- Coordinated team workflow on the DG.
- Gathered tasks and improvements for the UG.
- Documentation for Developer Guide:
- Documentation for User Guide:
- Community: