Project: TAManager

TAManager is a desktop address book application made for professors to manage their teaching assistants (TA) under their charge. It provides fast access to TAs’ contact details and their availabilities for tutorials/labs. You can track teaching and claimable hours among your TAs and find relief TAs for impromptu events or unforeseen circumstances.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added the command to update teaching hours to all TAs in the current list.
    • What it does: Allows the user to update the teaching hours to all TAs in the current list.
    • Justification: A professor will be managing multiple TAs and requires a command to update in batches.
    • Highlights: This feature requires me to fetch the current list from the given model and update every TA in the current list only if all updates are valid.
  • New Feature: Added edit free time command for a specified TA.
    • What it does: Allows the user to update the free time interval for a specific day for a specified user.
    • Justification: TAs may have different free time for each day, so users can update for specified days only.
    • Highlights: I reused the editPersonDescriptor in the Edit Command class and modify it to fit the edit free time command.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:
    • Participated discussions in features, UG and DG.
    • Coordinated team workflow on the DG and UG.
  • Documentation for Developer Guide:
    • Updated DG for hour command #65
  • Documentation for User Guide:
    • Updated ug according to PE-D suggestions for Hour command description, edit free time prefix groups, and command summary #134
    • Initial set up for UG for our group #14
  • Community: